Some problem children have been showing up in 1.0 playgroups, and while I still have time before the print run finalizes rules text, I want to fix those up. This also fixes some syntax issues pointed out by players and that I've discovered while writing for the quickstart.


- Reaper 3 now specifies that it is once per Turn.

- The explanation of Duel on page 38 no longer implies that Duels are only in combat.

- Master at arms 3 typo fixed.

- The Tension note on page 31 has been corrected to say that Tension is reset to 0.

- Enemies with effects “if they haven’t been attacked this Round” now only count attacks from enemies.

- Mollycoddler’s Lash can no longer self-Cast.

- Replicator 1 now limits how many echos you can make instead of how many a character can have, and has its max scale with Tier.

- Virtuoso and Will-O-Wisp have had their complexity scores fixed.

- Temporal Sage 2 has been totally reworked.

- Mount now inherently doesn’t let players use it’s targeting passive (this means the ban has been removed from battle jockey 1).

- Battle Jockey 3 now only costs 1 AP for the mount.

- Mecha Pilot 2 has been reworded for more clarity.

- Both of Rising Challenger 3’s bonuses have been reduced to 2.

- Shield Bearer 1 now gives Tier / 2 Armor.

- Sellsword’s Call 2 and 3 have been buffed and lightly reworked.

- Dancer 3 has been buffed.

- All enemies have had their health increased by 5.

- The difficulty guide in “Turning Up The Dial” has been edited to better match how experienced players have been running 1.0.

- Shield Bearer 3’s syntax has been changed to make it more reliable in edge cases.

- The syntax of all techniques have been changed so that all instances of “When you” have been replaced with the more specific “After you”, “If you”, or “Before you”.

- New Powerhouse Technique “Heroic Ascendant”. 

- Finisher and Skirmish have been slightly reworded.

- Sagely Aegis 3 has been reworded to be more clear.


DAWN_ The RPG 1.02.pdf 47 MB
14 days ago


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